Cataract is the natural process of yellowing/hazing of the lens inside the eye. It typically manifests later in life. However, there is a small percentage of babies that are born with a very opaque cataract that, without surgical removal, leads to blindness. Usually for adult cataract surgery, the natural lens is replaced with an artificial lens implant. However, this is not possible for babies. An alternative option is a contact lens, which is custom made for each individual baby to ensure their affected eye develops. Contact lens options for babies are very safe and very effective compared to glasses. Very few clinicians in Victoria provide this niche service, and we are very proud to support infants and their families along their contact lens journey.
The Eyetech Team has worked very closely with the ophthalmologists and staff at the Royal Children's Hospital to provide effective collaborative care for congenital cataract babies.
Cataract Kids Australia is an Australian charity that supports parents and their children on their cataract journey. For more information visit the link below.